Win tenders faster and more
efficiently than ever before

Leverage our AI engine to effortlessly create tailored tender proposals that highlight your business qualifications.
Start a Free Trial

Leverage our expertise from over 200 winning bids

Upload your tender docs and quickly craft a winning proposal in minutes, leveraging our proven success.
Upload your docs

Upload your docs

Quickly upload your key business documents to educate the AI.
Chat with AI

Chat with AI

Have a brief, insightful chat with our AI to determine the next steps in the process.
AI starts writing for you

AI starts writing for you

Let the AI efficiently jumpstart your writing process. Your trusted companion.
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Upgrade your Tender Applications with AI Technology!

Count me in!

AI-Powered Features:
Elevate Your Tender Writing Performance

We understand the challenges around responding to a bid.

Users on average report 50%
reduction in tender production time

Unleash the power of AI-driven content analysis to evaluate and optimize your tender proposal. Our platform analyses your content for clarity, coherence, and completeness, providing you with actionable suggestions to enhance your bid and increase your chances of winning.

Trained on over 20 years of winning submissions

We've trained our platform on over 20 years and hundreds of successful bids. Our proven processes and systems combined with a state-of-the-art AI model will help you cut through the hardest part of the bid process: Getting started! ZapTender is a huge shortcut to move you from that dreaded blank page.

Completely customised to your
business needs with minimal effort

Simply submit your unique business documents, including successful bids, and we'll craft a support system that's tailored specifically to your operational style and requirements, ensuring seamless integration and enhanced efficiency with minimal effort on your part.

Are you ready to get started?

Test out the ZapTender platform to experience how we can optimise your tender writing process
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Zap Tender is currently under development, please provide feedback and improvements whilst we work on it.